SimCity Players Overload Origin Servers
SimCity returned today after a 10-year hiatus, and gamers were eager to dig in, prompting delays on Electronic Arts's Origin platform.
Some users who tried to download SimCity via Origin today encountered a "Not yet released" message. Earlier today, an EA rep said on the company's forum that there are two possible reasons for the delays: the game is actually not yet released in your country; or your credit card payment failed or was unable to be charged.
"We have also identified a very small number of North American players for which neither case applies and are investigating directly with Origin to resolve. We will continue to post updates in this thread as more information becomes available," EA said earlier today.
At this point, SimCity is - in theory - available via Origin in North America, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Singapore, Hong Kong, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Russia. It will go live in Europe (except the U.K. and Ireland), Australia, and Japan on March 7 and New Zealand, South Africa, India, the U.K., Ireland, and Portugal on March 8.